There is so much information available that even a seasoned veteran of natural and holistic remedies is getting confused. There is a name for that, it is called information paralyzation, and it is happening around health and wellness in a big way.
Today, I want to share some very basic nuts and bolts that are grounded in reality and proven out over a long period of time to be super helpful to so many clients.
Improving your digestion will improve everything, because it is one of the most fundamentals of our health that we can affect.
Improving Gut health will improve your mental wellbeing, your energy, your healing capacity, your skin, and so much more.
Myth busters about Gut health:
You have to change your diet a LOT. The answer is, maybe not so much. Okay, that doesn’t mean eat anything you want with no effects, but it does mean that just cutting out more and more foods is not always the most important thing to do first.
I look forward to sharing more digestive health information soon.
In good health,